Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Very Funny Comments from Georgie on Katrina

[shamelessly stolen from The Wonkette]
Fox News and others are reporting that the President just got "his own bird's eye view" of Katrina's damage as Air Force One flew over the devestated region. Shortly after, Bush gave prepared remarks to the press pool:
We are making progress in New Orleans. The flood is in its last throes. Clearly, the hurricane has a hateful ideology and does not like our freedom or our dryness. We cannot surrender to it. In New Orleans, they are working on a draft evacuation; it is an evacuation process, and we must expect that if we are to bring American-style democracy to the Mississippi Delta. The president added that "to pull out now would only give aid to the elements."
READ MORE: george w. bush , katrina , parody , war on weather

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Where Have All The Young Men Gone?

This is a post. I read this blog every day, but I found it on which is a right wingnut blog. I read that every day too. They like to make fun of, well everybody, but especially left wingers and their blogs. You should check out so you can see how much hate there is out there.

Outsourcing the Dead and Wounded

Do you think anyone will ask the mothers of these dead merceneries if this is a noble cause? The US can't get enough volunteers, and they can't get enough vets to re-up because they will get paid better and be safer by being a contractor for Haliburton's bottom line

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Now I'm Angry

We got a letter in the mail today from the FEMA and US Dept of Homeland Security, with an orange warning on it what do they want from us? The want us to buy flood insurance from Nationwide Insurance through their two agents in our neighborhood WHAT? Homeland Security is now advertising for an insurance company? How do they have the time to do this? Who paid for this mailing? Is this paid for out of the amounts rationed to my hometown for terrorist protection? Does this make anyone else angry?

Is Robert Novak a Member of Opus Dei

Novak is a creep. Good old buddy of Karl Rove. If only someone would investigate this.

I feel better now

I got a response from Heather. She said that No, Sen Santorum is not a member of Opus Dei, as he has already stated publicly. Damn, I missed that! I would have felt much better if she had said that he is not a member because he feels that [whatever]. Should I go back and ask her why not? My anonymous blogger is worried that the Secret Service is going to come knocking on my door because of my having the gall to contact my congressman. That is a possibility though. My life could be ruined by these people in power. Why they would want to go after little old me is not clear, but look at poor Cindy Sheehan. There is a warrant for her arrest on Thursday hanging over her head. All she wants is a chance to talk to Georgie about the reason her son died in his war. George ain't talking to no "nobody" like her.
I did nothing about the Vietnam War. I worked for the Republican Party to put Nixon in the White House. It's one of the things I regret in life. I will do whatever I can to stop this war. I will do whatever I can to get rid of this administration. I have no power. I have no money. I have no influence. I just have a voice and a vote and a determination to educate myself in what is going on in our world. There are other voices joining with me and our voices are getting stronger.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Don't Bother to Write Your Congressman

This link will take you to Rick Santorum's web site. There are a number of self-congratulating articles you could read, or you can take a poll. Right now the poll is Do You Believe the Minimum Wage Should Be Increased. Of course, I voted yes, and of course, I'm in the minority. I went to Rick's website about 4 months ago because I wanted to send an email to my Congressman. But he doesn't give you his email address. You have to fill out a form and then choose one of the topics he is willing to get mail on. I chose Faith-Based Initiatives because I was unable to choose "The Truth." So I give him all my personal info, and then I get to write my question: "Are you a member of Opus Dei?" Legitimate question I thought especially to a man who holds himself out to be a good Catholic. Won't even go into my other reasons, but I have been reading a lot about him, and it seems like an easy yes/no question. When you send a email from his website, you are unable to keep a copy, so there is no record (on your part) that you ever sent him an email. Rick never responded, not even to say "Thanks for your correspondence". Nothing. So I send him 4 more emails and my first sentence is may I please get a response. Nothing. This is my Congressman. I was a registered Republican for 30 years. So I find a website with personal email addresses for our elected officials (Let me know if you want them.) I sent an email to Rick's admin asst yesterday, and today I get a response, saying she will get an answer to my question for me, apologies for the delay, and have we ever met, because she can't remember giving me her email address. Ha! What nerve I have trying to contact the great and good Rick? I responded that no we have never met, I just thought that it might be the efficient way to contact the very busy auteur-statesman by going through his admin. Let's see if she ever responds. I may even have made a new friend.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I Might Have to Change the Title of My Blog

I'm not angry today. I'm actually hopeful. Hoping someone will pick up on my Bolton diplomatic immunity angle. Don't really want to share it with the world at large in case it's true, and then they will come and get me. I interviewed for a new job today and while the title of the position is paralegal, I was told in essence I will be the "database nazi." Sounds like a job tailor-made for me. Wish me luck.

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