Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I feel better now

I got a response from Heather. She said that No, Sen Santorum is not a member of Opus Dei, as he has already stated publicly. Damn, I missed that! I would have felt much better if she had said that he is not a member because he feels that [whatever]. Should I go back and ask her why not? My anonymous blogger is worried that the Secret Service is going to come knocking on my door because of my having the gall to contact my congressman. That is a possibility though. My life could be ruined by these people in power. Why they would want to go after little old me is not clear, but look at poor Cindy Sheehan. There is a warrant for her arrest on Thursday hanging over her head. All she wants is a chance to talk to Georgie about the reason her son died in his war. George ain't talking to no "nobody" like her.
I did nothing about the Vietnam War. I worked for the Republican Party to put Nixon in the White House. It's one of the things I regret in life. I will do whatever I can to stop this war. I will do whatever I can to get rid of this administration. I have no power. I have no money. I have no influence. I just have a voice and a vote and a determination to educate myself in what is going on in our world. There are other voices joining with me and our voices are getting stronger.
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