Sunday, August 28, 2005


Outsourcing the Dead and Wounded

Do you think anyone will ask the mothers of these dead merceneries if this is a noble cause? The US can't get enough volunteers, and they can't get enough vets to re-up because they will get paid better and be safer by being a contractor for Haliburton's bottom line
DO you just blather on or do you try to help?
Here's what I do to help: I pray, I light a candle in an anti-war protest, I try to wake people up to what is really going on in this world. I don't know what else to do, but I surely welcome your suggestions.
Donate to The Fisher House. The Fisher Houses at Walter Reed and Landstuhl are full. You will be directly benefiting those bearing the greatest hardship. Thank you for asking and trust me, I am praying right along side you. You can donate money or much needed air miles so families can get to their loved ones when they need them most.
I will donate to The Fisher House, but before I do I would like to see a financial report on the percentage of donations which actually go to help people. You know I'm a cynic, right? I have a few causes I donate to regularly, Bridge of Hope Buxmont, Caring Bridge, certain church-sponsored charities, and I specifically donate to organizations to help out in my local area, eg, Meals on Wheels, local women's shelter, but only when I know that most of the money is going to help those in need and not being eaten up by PR and administrative expenses. Can you direct me to their financials? It's not on their website.
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