Tuesday, December 03, 2024
I'm less angry today
Could it be the lack of news in my world? Could it be the hour spent this afternoon in the salt room with 4 of the best women in my neck of the woods? Could it be the sauna time this morning? Could it be the massage yesterday? Could it be my children have all arrived home safely from driving an aggregate of thousands of miles for Thanksgiving celebrations with their in-laws? Could it be I finished a novel and loved the ending? Now that I think of it, there were a few more happy triggers that I would like to keep private, if you don't mind. All I know is the one thing that I can do on repeat is skip the news. My little brother yelled at me recently to stop reading the Washington Post and I won't be so upset about all the unnecessary violent gun deaths on any given day in the USA. Made no sense to me at the time, but I might have to give him his props for that one.