Wednesday, November 13, 2024
So the biggest christian political fraudster has been appointed as ambassador to the biggest jewish political con artist. We are living in Absurdistan for sure now folks. We are living under "no news rule" in this household, at least he is. I've been reading only headlines, which frankly I did for the most part during the last year of the goddam endless election. But I did actually read a couple of stories in the NYT and/or WAPO per day, rather than gobble all of it up for fear of crying. I support his info diet wholeheartedly. He cancelled our subscription to WAPO. That made him feel better. I can live without it too. I try not to inform him. I started watching the late night monologues but I speed through a lot of it. My friends trickle in with text comments, all of us still unable to discuss to any extent. I actually fear speaking in public about it. Keep running into *rumper acquaintances who kindly don't bring it up either. Typing here is helping a bit.