Thursday, November 28, 2024
Thanksgiving Thoughts
RAMDOM list of things I am damned grateful for, and damned lucky to have, and for which I did nothing or only passively contributed to having in my life:
MOM AND DAD, you had hard lives, living through the Depression and WWII, and really doing the best you could to give me this great life, and also my 5 SIBLINGS, each one weirder than the other and not at all that similar, even though there are 4 twins in that group. THREE SONS, in that I gave birth to 3 baby boys (not girls) and who knew that was exactly what I wanted my whole life. THE SUN IN THE MORNING BUT MOSTLY AT THE END OF THE DAY. I try to catch a sunset every day and have been seeing more sunrises than I ever wanted to but feel that it might be worth missing sleep over. MY HUSBAND, not so random or passively acquired, but he's the best.
Time to cook the turkey breasts. Another non-traditional holiday at Funky Dory.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Hey Buddy
Went to our local pizza sports bar to get an extra crispy plain and an ice-cold beer. Sat next to Buddy who claimed he didn't bite. I lied and said I don't either. Buddy is an 80-year-old widower. Looks forward to a beer and a sandwich and conversations once in a while. He's a man of the land. Hunts, fishes, kayaks, boats, doesn't care about the present football games on the giant TVs in front of us, behind us, next to us. Me neither. We got one thing in common. He's a Viet Nam vet. Worked on the jet engines, not in the jungle. I say, good for you. I'm presently reading a book about the nurses who worked in Viet Nam called The Sisters. He's not a reader. Also thanked him for his service, which I never do. But he wanted to hear it, and so sometimes I do say it. Then he goes and says, there's only one person he wanted to see when he got home from Nam. Your mama? Your girlfriend? Your wife and children? Nope. Jane Fonda. As if!! I say, well, she did a really dumb thing, it's true, but we have a president who believes anyone who volunteers to go into service to defend our country is a loser and an idiot. Shakes his head, says I voted for him. I hope you are happy. I am he says. I just hope he does what he says he's gonna do about immigration. I didn't ask him exactly when he realized he is a bigot, or who the hell do you think works in the kitchen of this restaurant and every other one in this town. I just said well the man is a known con artist and fraud, plus a well-documented liar, so why would you think he's not lying about that? Shakes his head again. Renewed my me and mine philosophy. Good thing because I was actually thinking about contributing to the annual (once a year is enough aint it?) food drive in the hood. I'm gonna let the republicans take care of the needy from now on.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Merry Christmas
So the biggest christian political fraudster has been appointed as ambassador to the biggest jewish political con artist. We are living in Absurdistan for sure now folks. We are living under "no news rule" in this household, at least he is. I've been reading only headlines, which frankly I did for the most part during the last year of the goddam endless election. But I did actually read a couple of stories in the NYT and/or WAPO per day, rather than gobble all of it up for fear of crying. I support his info diet wholeheartedly. He cancelled our subscription to WAPO. That made him feel better. I can live without it too. I try not to inform him. I started watching the late night monologues but I speed through a lot of it. My friends trickle in with text comments, all of us still unable to discuss to any extent. I actually fear speaking in public about it. Keep running into *rumper acquaintances who kindly don't bring it up either. Typing here is helping a bit.
Thursday, November 07, 2024
Yes, day 2. Still not gonna interact with those people for the rest of my life. The strangers. The *rumpers. Especially in my family. That groundwork has been laid for years and what's new is I believe I can live with avoiding them. Yesterday while sitting in the medical waiting area, playing solitaire so I don't scream or have to look at the news on my phone, this lovely redneck couple sit across from me and start gloating about their win. They could not name one other republican who won the election. Even in their own state. "Oh you know that guy", but they knew Pelosi didn't win. They could come up with Ted Crudz's name though. What a great 'merican he is. No wonder he won. The people have spoken and the liberals will soon see that. The TV ran the weather channel, which is ostensibly not political. Just wait and see about that. I actually was in 2 doctor's offices yesterday. One for my man's colonoscopy, when I snuck out for a pedicure which was all I could think about on election day when I was suffering from a migraine that would not quit. Kept thinking that a good foot soak and massage would be just the thing to get my mind of my pain and also the coming national pain. The second doctor was my own. Needed to get a handle on the spiking blood pressure and nagging headache. Politics did not come up. No need. Walked out of there with a new BP med which should help with the migraine. When I looked up what the drug is also prescribed for I learned that I got an anti-anxiety scrip! Guess what? It worked! Head stopped throbbing! Shoulders relaxed. This morning I was able to catch up on last night's monologues and not cry. Still can't watch Colbert and Stewart's live election night shows. That will take some time. Can't yet interact with my friends in person or by phone yet.
It was a fluke that I was able to find this old blog. I've tried before, and assumed it had disappeared. Just scanned some of the posts which are 20 or more years old. Not ready for that yet. I will post here as often as I can. Better than screaming out loud I suppose. Age brings wisdom, you see.
Wednesday, November 06, 2024
The morning after America rejected a woman of color running against you know who. I am not sure I will ever care again about a stranger. It's me and mine, baby.