Monday, February 06, 2006
You Go To War With The Army You Got Not The Army You Want
Oh my goodness. Gee whilikers. Who am I quoting here? The same asshole who is being depicted in this cartoon. Not the troops. Not the soldiers. But the Honorable Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Who has just drawn up a 20-year plan for the war on terror in Iraq. The same one who refuses to admit that our troops are not properly outfitted with armored vehicles and body armor. Who denies that the troops are not stretched too tight. Who refuses to reimburse those soldiers whose families go out and buy their children the body armor they don't have. Who presents wounded soldiers with bills for equipment unaccounted for when they are shipped home disabled. Who deducts these charges from their pay checks so that they are left stranded at whatever base they are returned to with no money to get home. Is this the America you Veterans gave service for? Is this your America? It's not mine. Now the Republican media is in full swing condemning the cartoonist for slandering the troops. Here we go again - claiming that the messenger is the bad guy --not this administration. See it live on Fox News!