Wednesday, September 07, 2005
You've Seen the Last of Katrina
Do you know that journalists are banned from New Orleans? The pictures you'll be seeing will be loops - cleansed photo-ops, like Georgie with "real folks" like evacuees, fireman (who were told to just surround him instead of helping out), toxic water gushing into Lake Pontrachaine. Do you know that journalists are being roughed up by National Guardsmen, and their cameras confiscated? Do you know that after the ban was put into place, one mortician was told to bring 40,000 body bags. Do you know that Halliburton was given a $50 Million contract to clean up the city BACK IN JULY? Do you know where George, Condi, Cheyney were for the first 3 days of the tragedy? Do you know that two helicoptor pilots are being punished by having to guard the caged animals of soldiers who had to leave FL because instead of delivering supplies to the military, they saved 110 people off of rooftops? Did you hear what Barbara Bush said? Does this feel like America to you?