Friday, September 23, 2005


Phila Priest Abuse

It took 3 years and 4 months for the Phila grand jury to issue it's report on the Philadelphia Archdiocese child abuse that has been going on for 40 years. Was it worth waiting for? I think so. It names names. It gives facts that were kept hidden by the church. It shows the pattern of cover-up in the name of God that was in use by the church in the United States for the last 40 years, or 100 years, or as long as they have held it over the faithful that the church is the final word on all that is God-given. And what is their response? Justin Cardinal Rigali says "Don't read the report!" Why not? It contains dirty, filthy sex. And he didn't say it, because it goes without saying, it does not contain the imprimatur, and the only literature a good catholic is allowed to read is that which contains the imprimatur of the church. Let me tell you something, there is an imprimatur on it, and it is printed in the pain of truth.
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