Monday, September 12, 2005


Oh No It's Football Season Again

I hate football. I cannot fathom how people love to watch it. It's just a bunch of guys in tight clothing banging into each other, slapping behinds, doing "I'm an asshole" dances when they make a touch down. No one agrees with me on this topic. Everyone loves the high school games, the college games, and absolutely adores the NFL. Why? I get the school "spirit" and rivalry stuff. Bought into when I was a kid. But I don't understand how poor and middle class intelligent people support these over-paid, under-educated goons who are financed by their payments to their mortgage and insurance companies. Who the hell cares if our city's team goes to the super bowl? It's a lonely time for me because I can't talk football and I get very annoyed by all the bullshit in the newspapers and on the radio and on TV about these "men" who are playing a game for a living and making millions of dollars.
i think your displeasure with the game is we never let you be a cheer leader for our altar and choir boys games love
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