Saturday, July 30, 2005


Why John Bolton Will Get a Quickie Appointment

Because as US Ambassador to the UN he will get diplomatic immunity. Why will he need it? So that he will not get prosecuted for treason, that's why. This is a long story that will not be told on Fox News, even though they have 24 hours a day to cover it. It does involve a blonde, and there is a scandal, but since the Bush Administration is the evil-doer here, you will never hear about it on Fox.

John Bolton is a former State Dept employee. Condi and George needed to get rid of him, but because he commited a crime and since he was a good liar, he was in line for a promotion, and George recommended him for US Ambassador to the UN. Now with the Republicans in charge of Congress, this was a shoe-in. So the House debated his appointments for weeks, with all kinds of stories coming out about him being a kiss-up, kick-down kind of guy. Well, who isn't? Not easy keeping a job these days. But then we found out that the people he liked to kick out of a job were those who didn't agree with the lies he wanted to tell and insisted that he not give speeches about nuclear capabilities of our enemies, because there was no proof. Proof! Who needs proof when you got Fox?

So the deciding vote on whether to send the vote on the appointment up to the Senate came from Republican Seisenbrenner, who said something like if he was in private practice he would fire his ass. So now it goes to the Senate, and George is counting on his buds to just give Bolton an up or down vote and get him into the UN. "The UN needs an overhaul. John Bolton is the man to do it," cried all those Chicken Littles. Not so quick, our Senate says. Let's look at some of Bolton's past actions. They ask George to turn over some documents showing how Bolton used his position to spy on foes, competitors, or those people soon to be kicked down. After all, everybody has a skelton in the closet. George says "No way, this is super secret stuff that the terrorist could get their hands on, we claim privilege."

But then, John McCain says, "Hmm, I wonder, did Bolton testify before the Grand Jury in the investigation of the outing the the covert CIA agent Valerie Plame? It wasn't on his application. In fact, he said that he had absolutely no involvement in any legal proceedings for the last so many years. Hmm, I'd like to ask him if he would verify that statement?" No problem, State Dept. verifies on his behalf. And then just yesterday there was word from the State Dept. that they made a mistake. It seems that Bolton did testify before the Grand Jury investigating the leak which resulted in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, whose husband, Joseph Wilson, happened to be the one who wrote the editorial in the NYT saying that Georgie was lying to the UN, and to Americans when he said that Saddam Hussein was buying uranium from Niger. "We're sorry. Bolton forgot about that little legal proceeding. We should not have verified the info on his application."

Of course he forgot. It was two years ago. He was one of the first people interviewed. Way before Karl Rove and Scooter Libby. Because he was one of the first suspects. He needed to be promoted quickly because he did such a good hatchet job on Valerie and Joe. Investigator Fitzpatrick is taking his good old time coming to a conclusion on this investigation. Looks like Scooter Libby (Cheney's assistant) and Karl Rove were to blame. George loves old Turd Blossom (his knickname for Karl), and said he will fire anyone found to be involved with this treason, um, found to have committed a crime, and next of course, he will say prosecuted for having commited a crime of treason. And, you cannot prosecute an Ambassador.
I'm glad you got that out of your system!
Thanks. You're right. That was moldering too long.
I still can't believe Bush went ahead and did it. He can't even get his own party to support this guy. Maybe he's even a bigger idiot than we thought... no, that's not possible.

It Voinovich not Seisenbrenner
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