Tuesday, March 21, 2006
My Letter to the Editors of Philly Inquirer and NYT-Still Unpublished
It is time for all Americans to tell their Senators and Representatives "Not one more penny for war." We went to war on false pretenses. We are the catalyst for Iraq's civil war. Over 2300 Americans have been killed, and an estimated 17,000 Americans have been wounded. Estimates of Iraqis killed range from 30,000 to 100,000. At this very moment over $247 Billion of our tax dollars have been spent on this war, and the dollars increase every single second. There are no more excuses to stay there. When the "WMD" propaganda wore thin, the "democracy-deficit" theme began. We gave them democracy, with all the waves of purple-fingered-majesty we could stand. There is a bill in Congress to spend $67.7 Billion more. "Staying the course" is staying on the wrong course. Those phantom Iraqi security forces cannot be our success measure for not standing down.
It's time for us to end the war in Iraq. It is time to work towards peace in our world. It is time for those who voted George Bush into office based on his being a Christian to take a long hard look at exactly what it means to be a Christian. It means to be a follower of Christ. It means to aspire to be Christ-like, to be a peacemaker, to care for the least of our brothers. It does not mean to wrap yourself in a Christian mantle and wage war for power, or because you cannot admit a mistake. Why can’t we criticize our President who holds himself out to be a Christian, yet refuses to seek peace in the land of the Bible? Stop this war now. Please contact Congress and tell them how you feel. Do not depend on the lobbyists to speak for you.
It's time for us to end the war in Iraq. It is time to work towards peace in our world. It is time for those who voted George Bush into office based on his being a Christian to take a long hard look at exactly what it means to be a Christian. It means to be a follower of Christ. It means to aspire to be Christ-like, to be a peacemaker, to care for the least of our brothers. It does not mean to wrap yourself in a Christian mantle and wage war for power, or because you cannot admit a mistake. Why can’t we criticize our President who holds himself out to be a Christian, yet refuses to seek peace in the land of the Bible? Stop this war now. Please contact Congress and tell them how you feel. Do not depend on the lobbyists to speak for you.