Saturday, November 05, 2005


Fitzmas Came on October 28, 2005

And still no after-Fitzmas letdown. I'm still hopeful. I feel at peace with the world around me. I see that the Fitzmas spirit is alive and well. Why just today, Jimmy Carter called Georgie arrogant, and said that he manipulated the intelligence so he could start his war. Sen. Reid shut down the Senate to demand that the Repugs produce their report on the intelligence that led to this war. I found a list of all the reports which the Repugs have yet to finish, I'll find the link. Most of them involve national security and how your president was going to make us safer from terrorists. Turns out that it was a just a great re-election slogan.

Back to Fitzmas. You know I predicted that John Bolton was "the man" and that is why he had to be appointed UN Ambassador to get immunity. Fitz did not come out and name him. He didn't name Rove or Cheyney either, but I'm not worried. There is a thread between Cheyney and Bolton. Bolton handed the dirt on Plame over to Cheyney back in May-April even. I have another prediction. They are going to find that the intelligence which led us to war was obtained through torture. And that will prove that torture does not provide good intelligence. Wait and see. It's why Cheyney is trying to get the Repug Senators to go back on the McCain Amendment to cease the torture. So when it comes down, it's one less thing he's indicted for.

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